We consider the human factor as the most valuable asset of our company, and consequently, we are sincerely interested in working to efficiently and effectively protect the life and health of our workers, avoiding accidents in our operations, since the occurrence of accidents can deteriorate the physical integrity and health of people, as well as damage to the equipment and facilities of our company and clients.
Consequently, the management of Integral Construc C.A. establishes the following as its risk prevention policy:
Prevent: the risks faced by our workers when performing the tasks entrusted to them.
Protect: all workers and their families, taking care of their physical integrity, life and occupational health, providing them with occupational safety performance programs.
To comply with: the legal regulations in force related to our activity, as well as the internal regulations of our company and the regulations of our customers.
Develop: systematic and permanent control activities in occupational health and safety tasks in the execution of our work and always focusing on the continuous improvement of our activity.
Inform: to all the personnel of our organization, in order to make known the individual responsibilities in the subject of occupational health and safety.
Maintain: communication between management and workers, thus involving both parties in occupational health and safety.
Safety is the responsibility of everyone working in our company, regardless of their hierarchical level.
Safety must be present in our work areas everywhere and at all times, for which it is especially important to know and make known the potential risks that arise in each of our tasks.
Social Responsibility Policy
Integral Construc C.A. includes an added value in all its services, which presents a positive and disinterested approach towards its clients, suppliers, authorities, environment, shareholders, etc.
To this end, we present the principles of our code of conduct:
Compliance with and respect for current legislation.
Respect for people and equal treatment.
Respect for Human Rights.
Conflicts of interest.
Safety and Environment.
Protection of information.
Corporate image.